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                产品特点: 采用电动液压控制,启闭高度可任意调节(范围内) ,提高装卸效率。液压式登车桥爬坡角度为≤13°。液压升降平台为垂直升降。
                Features: it adopts electro-hydraulic control, and the opening and closing height can be adjusted arbitrarily (within the range), so as to improve the loading and unloading efficiency. The climbing angle of hydraulic climbing bridge is ≤ 13 °. The hydraulic lifting platform is vertical lifting.
                Applicable environment: logistics storage, wharf, factory, cold chain and other places with poor level, forklift, hydraulic truck and other equipment for loading and unloading goods.
                Opening and closing speed: 0.18m/s
                Frequency of use: 500 times / day

                安全措施:采用低压24v控制系统,防滑花纹钢板,使平台有良好的防滑性能,四周安装有防护栏㊣ (剪叉式升降平台)。两侧设防轧脚裙板,防止脚趾伸入平台造成意外伤害。并有保障维护人员进入登车桥内部维护时安全的支撑杆。除提供标准尺寸橡胶防撞垫外,可提供不同尺寸的防撞垫,以保证泊车(固定式卸货登车桥)。
                Safety measures: adopt low-voltage 24V control system and anti-skid checkered steel plate to make the platform have good anti-skid performance, and install protective fence around (scissor type lifting platform). There are foot rolling skirts on both sides to prevent accidental injury caused by toes extending into the platform. And a support rod is provided to ensure the safety of maintenance personnel when entering the internal maintenance of the boarding bridge. In addition to the standard size of rubber crash pad, different sizes of crash pad can be provided to ensure parking (fixed unloading landing bridge).
                Opening mode: button switch control can be used in linkage with automatic rolling shutter door, sliding door and other equipment
                Control system: adopt low-pressure 24V control 220V or 380V hydraulic power system, simple operation, height can be adjusted at will, large adjustment range, and effectively improve loading and unloading efficiency. And can adopt interlock linkage mode. The unloading platform cannot be opened when the quick roll up door, liftgate or other equipment is closed. When the opening conditions are met, it can be opened and closed normally.
                Power performance: hydraulic drive is adopted, lifting force is 1t-15t (subject to the actual situation).
                Frame material: the lip plate is made of ≥ 5mm anti-skid checkered steel plate and the platform is connected by through shaft to improve the strength and stability. The main frame is designed with high-strength "U" beam to ensure that it can operate under high load and long time without deformation. The platform panel adopts anti-skid checkered steel plate, which makes the platform have good anti-skid and drainage performance.
                Note: the above description is for reference, subject to the actual parameter configuration; this description is not updated in real time, please understand if there is any change!

                百度 360 谷歌 搜狗 新浪 网易 阿里巴巴 慧聪商务 中国建材 中国供应商 一呼百应 搜搜 腾讯 京东 淘宝