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                Product features: mainly used for fire compartment, in inorganic cloth fire shutter door, flat open steel fire door, metal fire shutter door in three forms. It can be used together with smoke sensing, spray and fire alarm system. According to the fire protection level, it can be divided into class A, class B, class C and other fire resistance limits, as well as class A, class B and class C according to the heat insulation.

                Use environment: factories, electronics, textile, medicine, printing, chemical industry, logistics and storage, shopping malls, packaging, underground garages, garbage factories, corridor doors, workshops and passages requiring fire compartment, etc.

                Opening and closing speed: 2.0-8m/min (fire-proof electric rolling shutter door)
                Frequency of use: 10 times / day (electric fire shutter door), unlimited times of steel flat fire door.
                Safety measures: Electric up and down, automatic locking, manual falling (electric roller shutter door). Fire door can open the perspective window of fire glass.
                Opening mode: with wall switch, remote control and linkage smoke sensing and spray system, the curtain door will fall automatically in case of fire. (flat fire door does not have this function)
                控制系统:采用微处理器技术的单片机智能控制,可单独使用或与中控室消防中心联动控制。具有手动优@ 先功能。(电动消防系统配置,普通防火卷帘门、平开防火门无此系统)。
                Control system: the single chip microcomputer intelligent control with microprocessor technology can be used alone or linked with the fire control center in the central control room. With manual priority function. (electric fire protection system configuration, no such system for common fire shutter door and flush fire door).
                Power performance: adopt 220V or 380V fire door rolling shutter motor (electric fire door configuration).
                Frame material: 2.0mm thick galvanized steel plate or 1.2mm-1.5mm thick door frame steel plate, 0.8mm thick door leaf steel plate; the surface is made by electrostatic spraying.
                门片材质: 无机布帘片采用双层帘片厚度1.0mm, 中间填充物为防火棉(玄武岩),门体抗风载荷为180kg/m。阻燃试验达到等级为B1级;平开防火门板材厚度≥0.8mm,内填耐温1200以上的膨胀珍珠岩板防火门芯板。钢制防火卷帘门采用厚度≥0.8mm的镀锌板内填充岩棉或硅酸铝棉。 
                Door material: inorganic cloth curtain adopts double-layer curtain with thickness of 1.0m m, the middle filler is fireproof cotton (basalt), and the wind resistance load of the door body is 180kg / m. The fire-retardant test shall reach Class B1; the thickness of flat fire door plate shall be no less than 0.8mm, and the expanded perlite plate fire door core plate with temperature resistance over 1200 shall be filled in. The steel fireproof rolling shutter door is filled with rock wool or aluminum silicate wool in the galvanized plate with thickness ≥ 0.8mm.
                Perspective window material: it is assembled with fireproof glass and fireproof glue.
                Fire resistance time: 0.5-4 hours
                透烟量:0.2 m3/㎡min(金属防火卷帘门)
                Smoke transmission: 0.2 m 3 / ㎡ min (metal fire shutter door)
                注:以♀上说明为参考资料,以实ξ 际参数配置为准;此说明并非实时更新,如有变更敬请谅解!
                Note: the above description is for reference, subject to the actual parameter configuration; this description is not updated in real time, please understand if there is any change!

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