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              1. <blockquote id='cmdjRS'><q id='cmdjRS'><noscript id='cmdjRS'></noscript><dt id='cmdjRS'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='cmdjRS'><i id='cmdjRS'></i>

                Product features: xrhz soft plate is produced by introducing modern automation technology and production process extrusion or rolling, and adopting standard formula. It has the characteristics of soft, folding, transparent, anti-aging, insulation, anti-corrosion, heat preservation, antistatic (anti electrostatic type) and so on. And according to different needs of R & D and production of other types of targeted products. And using different color masterbatch or substrate to produce more color PVC soft board.

                Such as: frosted soft glass, transparent crystal board, orange soft board, anti-static grid, low temperature resistant transparent sheet. High purity, high transparency, low temperature and multi-color soft board (crystal board) with width ranging from 200 mm to 2100 mm and thickness ranging from 0.2 mm to 10 mm. Xrhz has been engaged in crystal board and PVC soft curtain industry since 2007.

                Applicable environment: PVC soft board is mainly used for the protection of furniture surface, the window of fast door, workshop partition, the production of water curtain in car washing room, as well as the anti-static and noise reduction of shopping malls, supermarkets, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, cold stores, cold chains, vehicles, factories, welding stations, textile, electronic and explosive stores, food factories, toilets, garbage farms, industrial shock absorption, enterprises and institutions, etc , dustproof, constant temperature and humidity, blocking vision, insulation and protective use.
                Film specification: generally 150 mm-2100 mm wide, 0.25 mm-10 mm thick, transparent, frosted, red, blue, yellow, silver and other colors. Common type, low temperature resistant type, anti-static type and other types. (other specifications can be customized) the shape and size can be cut according to the requirements.
                Note: the above description is for reference, subject to the actual parameter configuration; this description is not updated in real time, please understand if there is any change!

                百度 360 谷歌 搜狗 新浪 网易 阿里巴巴 慧聪商务 中国建材 中国供应商 一呼百应 搜搜 腾讯 京东 淘宝